Reach Or Miss

Ep. 246 – Parham Albadvi: “You need to develop relationships and build trust rather than always looking for a transactional relationship.”



My name is Parham Albadvi. I’m a copywriter and brand strategist serving conscious businesses. I spent my formative years in Iran and moved to Canada eager to work for purpose-driven tech and B2B companies, but soon became disillusioned… I love working with conscious entrepreneurs - people who share my values and vision for the world. Clients that I feel energetically aligned with, and who believe in making profit and impact. That’s why together with my partner, I founded Mocho and Co, the first full-service digital agency exclusively for conscious businesses and disruptors. I’m committed to helping businesses of all sizes realize Fred Kofman’s vision of businesses “conscious of inner and outer worlds… taking into account body, mind and spirit in self, culture, and nature.” But we can't do it alone. We need a vibrant community of conscious, aligned entrepreneurs - people like you, who know their skills are better served somewhere else... somewhere they haven't found yet.   Most passionate about