Hall of Blue Illumination

Episode 49, “Divine Intervention”



Welcome to The Hall of Blue Illumination, the podcast dedicated to the world of M.A.R. Barker’s Tékumel.  In this episode, our hosts discuss EPT’s divine intervention mechanics at length.  But first, James and Victor engage in a brief discussion about imperial heirs. Show Notes: [00:00:35] Children of the known Tsolyáni princes?  Victor found a reference in the Sourcebook, in a reference to dueling masters.  (Sourcebook, § 1.960, p. 117).  At the Threshold of Glory in Jakálla, Viumél hiArkódu tutors the children of Prince Rereshqála. [00:02:14] James has wondered about the hidden heirs a lot, since this system seems very unwieldly and difficult to maintain in the long-term. [00:03:13] But the idea of using the trials to make sure that the strongest candidate accedes to the Petal Throne, and that there’s no tradition of primogeniture works just fine. [00:04:00] Victor notes that according to EPT, the “farming out” of the heirs is a “recent custom.” (EPT §200, p. 13). [00:05:13] Every few hundred years, there’s