My journey with plant medicine!



In this episode we discuss the beauty, the nature, and personal experience with Plant Medicine. The most exciting and enlightening episode of QB yet, we talk about all the different plant medicines and how coming out the other side has been life challenging. Ayahuasca, Huachuma, Hape, Kambo, Bufo and Temazcal. The gratitude and sacred ness for these medicines, and how life changing and assisting the experience has been. Deep in the jungles of Mexico on a tiny island I share this podcast with you today. Any questions or shares, drop a comment on this episode- or head over to @taliawdigiulio on instagram. I'm devoted and committed to sharing more of this journey, and how from today forward will play a big role in all I step into because of these beautiful plant medicines. Enjoy, drop into your heart, and I hope listening and hearing my experiencing will take you on a journey. Gratitude, Aho Tal x