Movers + Mavericks

Do Less With the Body to get More out - Jill Miller - Episode 63



Welcome to this weeks weMove podcast. Is something in your body hurting or not clicking right, are you ready to unwind your old assumptions about your body and movement to move forward. This episode might be just what you re looking for. On reflection into how I have tended to do things, I have, up until the last few years been very singular in my activities, life was all about climbing, then about developing a business, that led to running and on and on this went until I felt like I got to the end of the tracks for that way of being. I had no idea what the cost was of the movement/activities I was doing because that was all I was doing. In every instance it led to imbalances and an inevitable break down of the vehicle I was travelling in. My body. And lo and behold this episode is about ways and strategies to regain balance, resilience and connection to what can be done. We are speaking with Jill Miller co-founder of Tune Up Fitness Worldwide and creator of the self-care fitness formats Yoga Tune Up® and The