Breathe Better, Sleep Better, Live Better Podcast

Ask Dr. Park: State on the State of the Art on Obstructive Sleep Apnea



In this episode of Ask Dr. Park, Dr. Park gives a 30-minute presentation on the State of the Art on obstructive sleep apnea, after which he takes live questions. Questions answered include: Do you see the Homeobloc as an effective treatment for OSA/UARS? What are the clinical guidelines for pediatric sleep disorders? Is it normal to get congested when lying down at night? What about MSE promoted by Dr. Moon? Relationship between tinnitus and obstructive sleep apnea What do you think of Xylitol for nasal congestion and obstructive sleep apnea? What do you think about the 4% desaturation rule for diagnosing sleep apnea, which doesn't help women? My nose is stuffy and I have trouble using CPAP. I tighten the mask and it doesn't help. What can I do? Can most pediatric ENTs perform DISE? What's the sleep study criteria for UARS? Do older toddlers who have OSA rock back and forth even banging their heads on the crib? What's more important, AHI, heart rate variability or sympathetic stress? I underwent septoplasty,