To Be Determined...

The 26th Pilot: Hipster Lembas For ImPOORsters



[11:25] Jeff: give me copy for the blog post for the podcast.[11:25] Jeff: do it![11:27] Dave: Let's see here...[11:35] Jeff: uh... anything?[11:35] Dave: It's not going well...[11:35] Jeff: Thanks! I'll go with that!LISTEN NOW:Your browser does not support this the awesome embedded player Player not working? CLICK HERE, instead! Share us with your friends:Subscribe via iTunesSubscribe via Zune MarketplaceSubscribe to our RSS feedTwitter Feeds:Follow Dave on TwitterFollow Jeff on TwitterFollow To Be Determined on TwitterBlogs:See Last Issue (Jeff's X-Men Blog)Robox Studio BlogOther:Follow us on YouTube.comAnd you can email us at DiggerButton (at) gmail (dot com)