To Be Determined...

The 36th Pilot: Bowl of Gratitude



Jeff & Dave: They're best friends, on a mission!What that mission is ... is unclear! (But it probably has something to do with answering ALL of the questions in "The Book of Questions" by Dr. Gregory Stock, Ph.D.) In this issue:U-curves!Gratitude, do we need it?2000-year lifespans.PLUS: Jeff and Dave cure cancer, by talking.LISTEN NOW:Your browser does not support this the awesome embedded player Player not working? CLICK HERE, instead! SUBSCRIBE:via iTunesvia RSS feedTwitter Feeds:DaveJeffTo Be Determined (official) Blogs:Robox Studio Blog (Dave's Professional Blog)See Last Issue (Jeff's X-Men Blog)Sommerjam (Jeff's Blog About STUFF)Other:Follow us on YouTube.comAnd you can email us at DiggerButton (at) gmail (dot com)