Quarter-Bin Classics

QBP #030 - Malibu, Rune & Writing Comics in the 90s



Quarter-Bin Podcast #30Original release date: July 5, 2014.For the first time ever in the long and illustrious history of the Quarter-Bin Podcast, we actually talk with the scripter of one of our comics ... two of our comics, actually. Our last two comics, as a matter of fact. I had a great chat with Paul O'Connor, who wrote Rune 4 & Rune 5, the books we covered in episodes 28 & 29.We talk about those comics, of course, but we also talk about being in the comic book industry in the wacky 1990s, and about his excellent comic book blog, The Longbox Graveyard.Right-click to download episode directly Next Episode: Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #33, Marvel Comics,cover-dated September 1991.Send e-mail feedback to relativelygeeky@gmail.com, no matter how long ago this episode originally posted.