Rich Cleaner Podcast

How We Went From Being a $250K Business, to a $1.2 Million a Year in the Cleaning Business



+Answering the business phone live changed everything for the business. +Important to have Systems +Plan for the entire year +Have mentors/be part of mastermind groups +Have CRM as early as you possibly can! +Be involved with marketing +Shoot High (have high goals and aspirations)   +FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION. +Nothing is perfect. Push through tough times. +Things are not always ELF, and that’s okay. +Will and tenacity make a big difference. +Have a willingness to serve. We worked to BE THE BEST CUSTOMER SERVICE COMPANY CAN BE! +NOT everyone is your client. +INCREASE PRICES. (We got more business when we raised our prices. Perhaps it was a pride of spending thing for clients, or maybe we did a better job because our prices were hire). +Solve problems right away.   + “We were in a “mature stage” of our business…and got bored! We BOUGHT ANOTHER BUSINESS. We DOUBLED THE SIZE OF OUR BUILDING. We bought another truck mount. (This took us out of our boredom.) +Have a uniform. Look like you are there to do business.