Christ Church Bartlett

The Dawn of a New Creation and 1,000 Years of Rest



Session 37 — The Dawn of a New Creation and 1,000 Years of Rest [Revelation 20] — November 14, 2021 I. Jesus is Lord over the Sabbath coming to rule as King for 1,000 years and declare One Day of rest for all creation. II. REST FROM DECEPTION — Jesus will cast Satan into the abyss and bind him with chains for 1,000 years and render him powerless over the earth. III.REST FROM CORRUPTION — Jesus will recreate new heavens and a new earth and all of creation will be set free from its bondage to corruption. IV.REST FROM THE TOIL OF WORK AND THE TEARS OF WAR — Jesus will supply every need in abundance and cause the wars to cease. V. RESTORED INTIMACY WITH GOD — Jesus will make us into a holy nation of kings and priests and we will forever reign with God as sons of the first resurrection. Application — ➡ May we Live our lives now in a way that reflects the coming kingdom! What we do here MATTERS! ➡ Rejoice in the good news of the kingdom! Go tell the world!