Second Start With Joel Olicker

Episode 3: Chaplain Taymullah Abdur-Rahman



Imam Taymullah Abdur-Rahman is currently a chaplain at Harvard Univesity. He's a lecturer, family counselor and educator in and around New England, and worked as a chaplain in the Massachusetts Correctional System for seven years. But things started out quite differently for Taymullah. As a 13 year old Roxbury kid named Tyrone Sutton, he became the lead singer of a major pop sensation boy band called Perfect Gentleman, the opening act for New Kids on The Block.  He toured for four years in his teens, performing in front of stadiums filled with screaming fans. Taymullah tells Joel the story of how his life moved from the precipice of mega-celebrity, through some very tough personal times, to a life of deep faith, with ongoing struggles, today.