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Ep. 1_Part 2 of 2_Newcomer Packet



This podcast is part 2 of 2 of Episode 1.  The interview with Michael continues as he highlights his favorite parts from the Al-Anon Newcomer Packet (K-10) as outreach literature.  He also shares his experience coming to his first Al-Anon meeting!  We discuss the tendency to close ourselves off to literature that we think doesn’t apply to us and in the “Last Words” section, find out what Michael has in his life now more than he’s ever had! QUOTABLE MOMENT FROM MICHAEL: "...I’m going through a whole renaissance in my life… that’s really open and full of wonderful surprises.  And even the challenges are ok because I’ve got a Higher Power that’s in charge and I’ve got guidance galore!" LITERATURE MENTIONED & RELATED EPISODES:  Al-Anon Newcomer Packet   –  Episode 4: part 2 of 2,   Episode 10: part 3 of 4,  &  Episode 12: part 4 of 5,  "Just For Today" (bookmark)  –  Episode 10: part 3 of 4,   Episode 10: part 4 of 4,  &  Episode 12: part 4 of 5   Men’s Newcomer Packet    "Al-Anon Is For Men"    Pa