Cal Chat

Ep. 4_Part 2 of 2_Did You Grow Up With A Problem Drinker?



The conversation with Jan continues in part 2 of 2 (of Episode 4) with her favorite piece of outreach literature, the leaflet/questionnaire: "Did You Grow Up With A Problem Drinker?" (S-25).  This can be an eye-opening piece for people that realize they experienced the effects of alcoholism in their family, rather than just in their current relationship.  We discuss ways it can be used for outreach, workshops, and as a barometer for our recovery progress.  Find out what is like peanut butter and chocolate, and what we’d like to see on a bumper sticker! QUOTABLE MOMENT FROM JAN: "I’ve learned to be a human being and not a human doing!" LITERATURE MENTIONED & RELATED EPISODES: "Did You Grow Up With A Problem Drinker?" "From Survival To Recovery"  –  Episode 11: part 1 of 4,   Episode 11: part 3 of 4,  &  Episode 11: part 4 of 4   Al-Anon Newcomer Packet   –  Episode 1: part 2 of 2,   Episode 10: part 3 of 4,  &  Episode 12: part 4 of 5,   Adult Children of Alcoholics Newcomer Packet   –  Episode