You May Contribute A Verse

Ohana with Margo Sorenson!



I’m Josh Monken, children’s lit author, father, science communicator, and podcaster, joined by Brenna Jeanneret, children’s lit author, mother, avid climber and outdoorsperson, and podcaster! This is the podcast You May Contribute a Verse, where we talk to kidlit creators, share their stories, and learn from their journey. There are many times in the life of being a fan of things that you consume something, and then want nothing more than to pick the brain of the person who created it. Hot off consuming the picture book Calvin Gets the Last Word, Brenna and I got one of the primary benefits of doing this podcast, which is to get to pick the brain of one of the persons who created it, author Margo Sorenson (in partnership with illustrator Mike Deas). Margo is a prolific multi-genre author who has had a storied career thus far, and built her resilience and tenacity by choosing to have taught middle schoolers. Margo’s work is largely tinged with ohana, the Hawai’ian concept of family, seen through works li