Mangala Shri Bhuti - The Link

Aren't Two Jewels Really Enough? Reflections on Sangha (Link #581)



Speaker: John Cobb. John addresses the challenges that sanghas have to identify and work to overcome. He points out four questions that sanghas need to consider in the context of their aspiration to establish Buddhism in the West. First, sanghas need to examine how responsibility is assigned ("delegating upward"); second, they need to recognize when it is appropriate and beneficial to seek external guidance and expertise. Third, they need to distinguish the tendency to cling to the "good old days" from the valuable wisdom gained through experience, and to balance the value of their history with the benefits of welcoming fresh perspectives. Finally, they need to develop a beneficial and open connection to the external culture without sacrificing the integrity of the sangha ("barbarians at the gate"). He cites three principles of accountability, transparency and inclusivity that can guide the sangha in establishing a code of conduct that supports the other two jewels, the Buddha and the Dharma.