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Releasing the Pain Body with the Dalian Method: An Interview with Mada Dalian



Podcast Intro: The universe has its way of mending any damage caused by unforeseen circumstances. And looking at nature, humans are blessed to witness nature’s process of healing. As rational beings, we seek ways to imitate the healing process and turn it into our own. But is researching as easy as it sounds like? How can you confirm that the proposed methods work? That’s why you experiment! Just like how Mada Dalian experimented with the self-healing mechanism she created, The Dalian Method. If nature can heal, so do humans. From your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, all the way to social and cultural aspects, humans heal by taking these aspects into account. By being conscious and confident that the process works and helping yourself towards healing, you are giving yourself the freedom to explore the vastness of the universe—uninhibited. What you’ll get out of tuning in: What is the Dalian Method Who can benefit from the Dalian Method How the Fear of Survival and Death is at the root of our Human Ailments