Eft/tapping Q & A Podcast W/ Gene Monterastelli - Emotional Freedom Techniques

Pod #71: Using Metaphors For Healing w/ Rue Hass



When I am setting up interviews for the podcast I normally ask my guest, "What is the thing that really gets your juices flowing? It doesn't have to be what you are known for. I want to know what is exciting you right now!" Once we have agreed on a topic the guest sends me a few bullet points to help me to form questions. When I was having this back and forth with Rue Hass she said, "This is something I am really excited about and it is so new to me that I can't even send you an outline." I love getting to be a part of new things! In this interview Rue shares a new technique that she is working with which uses metaphors and having clients draw pictures. It is absolutely brilliant. The technique is simple and elegant and as she was describing it I could see immediately how this could fit into my practice. I know you are going to love this.