Early Accountability

EAP 167: Overachiever Overload - Signs You Don't Need a New Goal



This episode of the Early Accountability Podcast is for the listeners out there who sometimes find themselves taking on too many goals or responsibilities, which is a very common occurrence for high-achievers. With spring now in full swing and COVID-19 restrictions easing up in various parts of the US, many people are taking up new hobbies and projects. Additionally, many activities that had transitioned online over the past year have started offering in-person options, so people have those decisions to make as well. So how do you know if you have taken on too much? If you’re experiencing goal overload? If now is not the time to take on new goals? Here are Kimi’s signs that you’re overloaded and you likely need to take a step back: 1.You are feeling stress, burnout, and overwhelm – This means that you need to take a look at your calendar and your obligations and figure out what really needs to stay. Prioritize self-care and try to strike a balance in your roles. 2.You are doing things for external reasons – I