Becoming With Ann Fancy

Anne Zemba | Picking up the pieces after unimaginable loss



Anne Zemba tells her story of love and unimaginable loss. Brian Zemba, her beloved husband and soulmate died unexpectedly at only 43 years old. His loss created a ripple throughout the local community as his effervescent energy touched the lives of many, in fact many more than any of us knew. Anne walks us through the story of their love, the experience of losing him, and the aftermath of walking through immense grief publicly and privately.  It took her years, and the right encounter with a friend that finally led her to a treatment that ultimately saved her life. She gives us a peak at the lessons she has learned as the one facing deep grief, and offers insight on how to support others who are walking a similar path. Trigger warning: Suicidal ideation and death are part of this conversation. If you or someone you know needs help, please call (800)273-8255OR go to this website for live chat support: you want to learn more about EMDR or find a clinician: https://www.em