Visionary Souls With Sydney Campos

Remember Who You Are: Coming Home Through Inner Child Healing



What a magical life this adventure is unfolding long as you stay open, present and CLEAR On what you truly intend to receive. This is the much of our lives is running on our unconscious beliefs, in fact 95% of life is determined by this seemingly asleep part of your brain that’s entirely programmed by beliefs and ways of beings that were likely set into motion between ages 0-7 when you’re in a hypnotic trance absorbing meaning from your parents’ behaviors even if what they do has nothing to do with you. Its all part of the game we choose to play in mastering our soul lessons. And what a relief to KNOW you have the power, in fact you have everything you need right now, to take your power BACK – to create precisely the life you desire living, the experiences you crave having, the abundance you dream of receiving and the JOY you know is possible for you to share and celebrate. Even if you think you’re clear on your intentions and what you want to call in – if you have unconscious programs such