Visionary Souls With Sydney Campos

Ep. 59: Ahaumna Ah Ma Yah | Awakening to Remember



Ahaumna Ah Ma YAh is a highly sought after spiritual life coach, inspirational speaker, and mystic arts teacher. She is on a mission to mainstream mysticism through her AM-MA accreditation, and to evolutionize the way humanity learns and interacts with the future generations through online, virtual reality classrooms, building the new Earth schooling for the children, The Rainbow Path.   Visionary Souls Podcast LIVE with Visionary Coach, Mystic Arts Teacher + Inspirational Speaker Ahaumna AhMayah jamming on all the SOULstice upgrades and embodiment medicine including: - Awakening to remember your purpose at times through great suffering - Choosing to fully BE here, completely alive, now - Saying yes to a big vision through choosing again and again to be pure - Dismantling global education and governance to create the NEW paradigm of possibility - Birthing new education for children worldwide using high tech - establishing right relationship with the technologies that are here to help us thrive - Experiencing