Visionary Souls With Sydney Campos

Ep. 108: Alison Sher | Holy Wholeness: Awakening + Addiction



Alison Sher is a generational expert, an organizational consultant and the author of The Millennial's Guide to Changing the World. She is passionate about personal and political transformation and using spiritual principles to catalyze societal evolution. Join Alison’s Transforming the Addictive Spirit Program starting July 25, 2020. This course will provide you with an intellectual framework and daily practices that with regular implementation have helped millions around the world alleviate the symptoms of addiction. This program is for devoted seekers who are willing to go within to find peace, instead of futilely searching to find it outside of themselves. Who are ready to move beyond cycles of victimization and start building a life worth living! Connect with Alison: Website: Twitter: @alisonleasher Instagram: @all_listen_share