Ramsey Creek Baptist Church

Psalm 23 [Thanksgiving - Shepherd & Host] [Rod Ohmes] - Audio



Before David slayed the giant or was considered for kingship, he was a shepherd. But we need to read Psalm 23 not from David’s perspective as a shepherd, but from the perspective of a sheep (as David says). God has chosen to shepherd His people, so He has a vested interest in His sheep. He guides the flock, protects it, and cares for it Himself. The phrase “I shall not want” is both a declaration and a decision. It's something that's already true but also a decision that Christians make each day - Jesus is (more than) enough. The shepherd knows when his sheep need rest, green pastures, & quiet waters, and he knows when his sheep need to be guided down paths they might not go themselves. Being close to the shepherd didn’t remove the presence of evil, but it certainly took away the fear of evil. More than anything else, David’s greatest comfort and deepest joy was that he would “dwell in the house of the Lord forever”. We only face “the shadow of