Christ Church Bartlett

Session 35: Mystery Babylon



Session 35 — The Marriage Supper of the Lamb [Revelation 19:1-10] — October 24, 2021 I. God chose Israel to be His cherished bride forever and Jesus is the faithful Bridegroom. II. Jesus made a way for Gentiles to be included in the commonwealth of Israel through the new covenant of His blood on the cross. III. Jesus is coming again to universally gather His elect bride to be presented to Him in splendor and be united to God forever! IV.After the consummation of the marriage between Christ and His bride, all the righteous will be invited to rejoice at the great wedding supper of the Lamb. V. We must always be ready and dressed for our Bridegroom to return, so that we may be found faithful and worthy of the coming kingdom. Application — ➡ May we all be found faithful and ready to stand as a pure and blameless bride before Jesus on our wedding Day ➡ Repent of the worldly pursuits that are hindering you from being worthy of the coming kingdom.