First Church Charlotte

What Is God Looking For?



Oct - 6-2019 | Pastor Nathan Elms Question: What did God get out of his relationship with Adam and Eve? Companionship. I deeply believe that it is a love story. What is God looking for now? 1.) Realize that you are already a person of faith What does it mean to be a person of faith? Everyone, no matter what your spiritual and religious convictions are, they have faith in something. You see, faith is a natural faculty that all of us use at one level or another. Our English word faith comes from the Latin word fides, which means to trust or to rely upon something or someone? And every single person is doing that every single day, whether it’s trusting your own feelings or taking your friend’s word for it or relying on your car to get you from point A to point B—in a hundred different ways, we’re all using this natural faculty of faith. 2.) Embrace Both Clarity and Mystery There are revealed things and concealed things. 3.) Put God’s Word Into Practice The majority of us have the Lord in our lives, but a