First Church Charlotte

What Kind of Church Should We Be?



January 8, 2020 | Pastor Nathan Elms The Church was formed and founded on Pentecost in Jerusalem. Followers of Jesus as the Messiah (Ha Maschiach), trace the origin of becoming known to the world as 'Christians' to the community founded in Antioch: "Then departed Barnabas to Tarsus, for to seek Saul: and when he found him he brought him to Antioch." For a whole year they met with the church and taught large numbers. The disciples, whose origins began in the dispersion resulting from persecution in Jerusalem, were "first called Christians at Antioch." Known by a variety of names, including "Followers of the Way." Later recognized by the Apostles in Jerusalem, one of its leading members was Barnabas, who was sent to organize the new church (see Acts 11:19-26) (see Early centers of Christianity). According to Acts 11:19-26, the Christian community at Antioch began when Christians who were scattered from Jerusalem because of persecution fled to Antioch. They were joined by Christians from Cyprus and Cyrene who