First Church Charlotte

January 22 2020 Our Spiritual Weapons Bishop David Elms 1st Church CLT



January 22, 2020, | Bishop David Elms • We are in a daily spiritual fight. • We fight in our mind, our soul and our spirit. • Even if we haven't done everything perfectly, we can ask forgiveness for our mistakes. • If you have drawn yourself to God, He will hear us every time! • Always pray! • Control our own anger. • Speak the Word of God; which is your sword of the Spirit. • Plead the blood of Jesus over our lives and those we love. • Singing unto the Lord and in the Spirit. • Dancing unto the Lord. • It is what God wants for us to control our own spiritual atmosphere. • Clapping our hands in praise. • Prayer and Fasting • Prayer in the Spirit (in tongues by the utterance of the Spirit of Christ, also known as the Holy Spirit)