First Church Charlotte

You Are Invited....JOY!



January 26, 2020, | Pastor Nathan Elms Jesus invites us to walk a different road, live by different values. *CHRISTIANS ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO GIVE UP “JOY” TO BE CHRISTIAN* If the manner in which you have been serving the Lord has not produced joy, then you’ve been doing to wrong. The fullness of Jesus’ love was never designed to make anyone sad. He only wishes to remove those things which would hinder our highest enjoyment here, and our eternal happiness beyond. He hasn’t come that you might have sadness, He has come that you might have LIFE, and have it more abundantly! (John 10:10) HEBREW FAITH -VS- OTHER EASTERN RELIGIONS The Jewish Encyclopedia states that no language has as many words for joy and rejoicing as Hebrew. In the Old Testament there are twenty-seven different words used for some aspect of joy. Hebrew worship sees God as the source of joy. In contrast, the historic rituals of other Eastern faiths were filled with sadness and even human sacrifice. WHERE DOES JOY COME FROM? NOT FROM TEMPORAL TH