First Church Charlotte

You Are Invited to Dominion



February 2, 2020, | Pastor Nathan Elms Dominion is an awkward subject because we humans like power… control… dominance… nearly every story of history is about status-seeking, wealth seeking, power-seeking… Carnal humans turn everything, even church, into a dominance-hierarchy... And all religions offer a theology where they end up in charge... I believe that spiritual dominion is so different than our experience of earthly power, that we struggle to envision what it looks like. In fact, in all of human history there is only one story that reveals what divine dominion looks like – that is Jesus Christ. How do we exercise spiritual dominion? We lost dominion through Adam; we regained it through Jesus Christ. Jesus used His authority to disarm the enemy and all his demonic forces and powers. "And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross" (Col. 2:15). "Disarmed" also means "stripped." Christ stripped Satan and all his minions of any po