First Church Charlotte

You are Invited, By Christ



February 9, 2020, | Pastor Nathan Elms There is a great difference between CHURCHIANITY and CHRISTIANITY. Many are GOING TO CHURCH but few are GOING DOWN THE ROAD WHICH LEADS TO LIFE (Matthew 7:13-14). The tragedy of Christianity is that it has been turned into a religion. It is not! All religions say “do”…Christianity says “done”. All religions set up rules whereby one makes himself “worthy”. Christianity says we are “made” worthy by Christ’s sacrifice for us. There is nothing we have to do, indeed there is nothing we “can” do but accept God’s amazing grace. Christianity is literally a possession. A possession of The Holy Spirit, like Paul said “We’ll “find” ourselves doing the things that please God.” God is not interested in spiritual imitation which is what religion is…he is interested in spiritual fruition… There are other invitations from the Lord, with gracious promises to those who come, but note especially the final invitation of the Bible, “And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him