First Church Charlotte

Love And Whole - Iness 2



February 23, 2020, | Pastor Nathan Elms 1st Church CLT Progress only begins when we perceive our incompleteness… The Greek philosophers gave us five loves, the bible only accepts four of them: • Storge: Affection Love • Phileo: Friendship Love (today) • Eros: Romantic Love. • Agape: Divine Love. What is the fifth? Epithumia: lust, desire. (the bible does not accept this as love) In this series we are going to talk about Phileo… We need real friendship … which is much more meaningful than common interests. We need real friendship … which is much more meaningful than common interests. Beautiful picture of spiritual friendship: When the apostle Paul was writing his last letter, just before his execution in Rome, he described his situation to Timothy. “Only Luke is with me” (2 Timothy 4:11). (Luke probably cared for Paul in prison since ancient prisons usually did not really feed inmates.) That statement hints at the close friendship between Luke and Paul. Luke was born a Greek in Antioch and became a physi