First Church Charlotte

Blessed Part 3



May 3, 2020, | Pastor Nathan Elms 1st Church CLT What is the nature of divine blessing? • Week 1, we tried to see blessings from the perspective of God. What is in it for God? • Week 2, we saw how a limited view of blessing puts us at each other’s throats. Esau and Jacob. Issac will only bless one. Jacob blesses everyone. • This week, I want to go deeper into Divine blessing. Why? Because it isn’t as simple as I Have More Than My Neighbor. Remember, Jacob, tricked his father Issac, but had to flee for his life. Who inherited the wealth of Issac? The herds. The servants. It could not have been Jacob. Jacob ran for his life and didn’t return until Genesis 33. -And when he returns, Jacob is the one bowing and asking to be accepted. -Jacob is the one telling his family to call Esau, my lord. And telling them to refer to him, Jacob, as Esau’s servant. -Jacob is the one bringing gifts. Esau gives Jacob nothing but forgiveness. God’s blessing is about transformation. But let's go one step further. The name "Israe