Worth It

107: The Key to Consistency in Investing



Dollar-cost averaging. It’s probably the most boring financial term ever. (We’re working on coming up with a new term. Anyone have any ideas? Anyone?) Snooze-inducing as it sounds, dollar-cost averaging is a super important technique that everyone should be using to invest. Why? Read on. WHAT YOU’LL LEARN [01:55] What dollar-cost averaging means [03:30] Why timing the market doesn’t work [04:24] The key to investing: don’t think about it [05:20] Some musings on stock market fear [08:14] Bring on the volatility! [09:34] Start low and stick to it Timing the market doesn’t work Brace yourself: we get topical in this episode. How could we not? Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably been bombarded with minute-by-minute updates on COVID-19, aka coronavirus. Warnings against travel. The number of cases in the United States and worldwide. The number of deaths from coronavirus. And its impact on the stock market. There’s nothing wrong with staying up-to-date on important news — and we’re huge