Never Stop Peaking With Heath Armstrong - Motivation That Doesn't Suck

The Mother Root of Serotonin - An Ayahuasca Exploration with Mary Shores



This is a reflection of the Ayahuasca experience that I have recently returned from. I had Mary Shores on Never Stop Peaking back in July to talk about her first experience, which was an incredible gate for my journey. Now, she returns to help facilitate the integration of my experience, as a channel and companion for opening up the deeper meaning of my healing.   The plant medicine Ayahuasca is an intelligence far beyond what our human brains can comprehend and explain in this language. In this episode, I do my best to share my experience, exactly as it was meant to be, and your interpretation will vary based on what you are in need of absorbing. Ayahuasca is not for everyone, but whether or not you are being called, this conversation will help open up your understanding of the collective consciousness, source, unconditional love, and ultimate truth.   Mary’s Book – CLICK HERE! Paul Selig - The Book of Mastery Robert Monroe - Journeys out of the Body Sense 8 on Netflix Rythmia Center    DOWNLOAD TH