Never Stop Peaking With Heath Armstrong - Motivation That Doesn't Suck

From Shock to Awe: How Plant Medicine is Healing Veterans with PTSD (with Dr. Janine Sagert and Olivia Broughton)



What is the root of your deepest trauma? What blockages are you holding physically and mentally that are preventing you from stepping into the next happiest, healthiest version of yourself? What kind of pains, experiences, and memories are you ready to let go of?    We all have our ups and downs, but how are YOU reacting to yours? What are they attached to? How are they affecting your relationships, your daily routines, and the passion within your pursuits?    For many years, I stuffed things away into the back of my mind hoping they would just disappear. On many different occasions, they boiled up into black-out rampages and deep pools of depression. I had no idea how to overcome these things that were crippling me. In reality, I didn’t even know what most of them were. We all experience suffering on a certain level, and no matter what level it is, it’s the hardest thing in the world for an individual when it hits.   My experiences with Ayahuasca and other types of Plant Medicine have been discussed befo