Never Stop Peaking With Heath Armstrong - Motivation That Doesn't Suck

Sweet-Ass Habits: Giving without Expectation or Recognition



Links from the show:  Share Link: Never Stop Peaking Minimalism Episode Sweet-Ass Affirmations Deck In this episode: Stacking Cash and "Things" Never Creates Long-term Happiness As media and marketing flood our brains with the idea that success is defined by how much we earn, many of us rate our happiness based on the materialistic belongings and cheddar-cheese we stack up. As soon as we receive something, we immediately start craving more. Why are we rarely content with what we already have? Having a desire for more is a great characteristic when it comes to creativity and developing the self, but it can be a terrible characteristic in relation to stacking cheddar cheese and possessions if our money and materials aren't in alignment with our purpose or hero's journey. If receiving and collecting isn't the answer to happiness, then what is? Giving and being of service. A Habit of Giving Creates Warm Fuzzy Feelings Forever When you give something to another person, whether