F This Knit

Episode 5: Spinning



In our fifth episode we discuss our experiences, tips, and opinions of all things spinning. Other topics include; finished objects, WIPs, stash enhancement, and forgetting our own names. Congratulations to our NSFW Sassy Stitch Marker Giveaway winner, Stephanie Dawn! FOs Zimtschnecke Antler Hat for Hubby Pebbles Socks Geodesic Cowl WIP's Ber's Tosh Shawl Em's Tosh Shawl Erin's Tosh Shawl Kirsten's Socks Slipped Saami Braid Hills Magrathea Long Whippet Scraps Sharks! New Projects Color Exploration Varda Socks Dad Socks References for spinning Woolery Navajo Plying Start Spinning by Maggie Casey We will be at the KY Sheep and Fiber Festival later this month!