Emily Kathleen Cooke

Nobody's Property Episode 03: My Mother's Egg



For a few years while I was growing up, a book called How to Do Your Own Divorce sat undisturbed on a bookshelf by our living-room fireplace. It just sat there, its paper spine facing out, between Passages and Last Things. This was in Southern California, on an alluvial fan of the San Gabriels, in a little falling-down house on Twelfth Street in Claremont. We moved there when I was five years old. My father’s parents, Charles and Edith, had fronted him the down payment for the house and planned to hand over the title when Dad came up with the roughly three thousand dollars to pay them back. Music by Kristin Hersh: kristinhersh.cashmusic.org or www.kristinhersh.com Here's an interesting resource. Love the cover photo of the couple on the beach!