Josie And The Podcast

Liz Gross // Educator meets Intrepreneur to Ignite Social Listening



We’ve all got topics that are important to us, whether it’s our furry friends or the events that are happening on our campuses. Social listening is one way to turn those topics into real opportunities, and this week’s podcast guest is a social listening expert. Liz Gross is the director of Campus Sonar, and she explains what social listening is for higher ed, her intrepreneurial journey, and even shares a few travel tips! Notes from this Episode UW Milwaukee Michelin Star Service Included Per Se Alinea  University of Wisconsin Waukesha Lambda Pi Eta Great Lakes  Campus Sonar Stage-Gate Process How to build a business case Twitter Advanced Search Guide /r/applyingtocollege Social Listening Belongs in the Modern Marketer's Toolbox The Higher Ed Social Listening Handbook SXSWedu Nicholas Love NC State University Social Media ROI (Olivier Blanchard) HigherEdLive Podcast Enrollment Growth University Podcast The Hashtag Higher Ed Podcast Higher Ed Social Podcast How I Built This Teri Bump Connect with