Magical Mystery Radio: Conspiracy & Paranormal Review

Q Anon and The Coming Storm, #Happening?|93|



John takes us down the rabbit hole on what's been happening on 4Chan these past couple of weeks, which has taken the Internet by storm, no pun intended. ;-) Someone, or some group, calling themselves, "Q Clearance Patriot", has been posting a series of questions (breadcrumbs) on /pol/ and hinting that the storm everyone has been waiting for is finally upon us. What storm? Well, nothing less than the end of the Old/New World Order, the Bush/Clinton/Obama crime cabal, and all their corrupt cronies. In short, a new American Revolution - MAGA style. Is this one of the most epic LARP's of all time, a carefully crafted psyop, or is Q the real thing? Could all of these be true simultaneously? Impossible! ALICE: There's no use trying. One can't believe impossible things. QUEEN: I daresay you haven't had much practice. When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.    Are we about to see what Doc Brown referred to as, "some se