Building A New America With Jonathan Arias.

#6 - The Progressive Prosecutor with Mina Malik



In recent years there has been a shift in how our Country views criminal justice. Partly, but strongly, influenced by the deaths of Sandra Bland, Philando Castille, Kalief Browder and a number of other individuals, large segments of our Country are questioning the legitimacy of our justice system.  Some statistics - to add further discontent - show that the United States, locks up more people, per capita, than any other nation.  As a result of this, large segments of the United States are demanding reform.   In response to these demands, progressive Criminal Justice reforms have emerged.  And along with these reforms have come a new breed of law enforcement official: the progressive prosecutor.   As an example, in St. Louis and Philadelphia, this movement has placed Wesley Bell (a former Public Defender) and Larry Krasner (a Civil Rights Lawyer), respectively, into the role of the head prosecutor.   One would not be unreasonable to say that civil opinion on Criminal Justice has drastically shifted.  In the 80