Building A New America With Jonathan Arias.

#10 - Whistleblowing on the Empire with Chip Gibbons



Whistleblowers throughout history have revealed the secret and disturbing workings of governments throughout the world.  This task, though, comes at a great cost - the cost typically being death or imprisonment, especially in undemocratic nations.  Despite these costs, brave whistleblowers risk their lives to spark important debates.  Without these brave acts, critical information about our governments would remain hidden. Whistleblowers, therefore, perform an important democratic function.  The First Amendment's guarantee of a free press is effectively a check on the government.  As Supreme Court Justice Hugh Black wrote in the landmark Supreme Court case NY Times vs. The United States, "[t]he press was to serve the governed, not the governors."  A nation cannot be a democracy if its populace is blind to the dealings of its government. In 2013, former United States Army solider Chelsea Manning leaked thousands of classified and sensitive military and diplomatic records to Wikileaks, a nonprofi