Profitable Farmer

Episode 81 - Parental As Anything!



If you love food & cooking, Maggie Beer is Australia’s much-loved national icon and go-to authority. If you love your kids, it’s Maggie Dent! Well-known to many of you and revered as the ‘The Queen of Common Sense’, Maggie is an absolute champion on all things parenting. Maggie’s roots are very strongly tied to Agriculture. She is passionate about this community – our strength, endurance, resilience, and success for our families. She gets it. She gets us. Maggie has so SO much to offer. During this episode, we scratch the surface on how to be: Better husbands and wives; mainstays for our boys; carers to our daughters; rocks in our families; and great citizens within our communities. Maggie has changed Jane & my life, and helped us immensely as we navigate what it takes to raise four little people in our world. We love her books, we value her courses, and I highly recommend her Podcast – Parental As Anything! As we navigate COVID restrictions, lockdown challenges and all things involved w