Christ Church Bartlett

The Image of the Beast



Session 29 — The Image of the Beast [Revelation 13:11-15] September 12, 2021 I. The false prophet will be a compelling religious leader who uses occult power to work amazing signs and wonders to deceive the whole world into worshipping Satan. II. The false prophet will persuade mankind to create an image of the beast by converging all available technology in the world. III. The image of the beast most likely will be a transhuman clone – a living, breathing idol – that is empowered by and integrated with artificial intelligence. IV.The image of the beast will use A.I. to create a global, realtime surveillance slave state and control humanity with a collective hive mind. V. Only those who possess the mind of Christ and are controlled by the Holy Spirit will be able to overcome the coming beast slave system. Application ➡ Transform your mind daily through the living word of God so that you will not be conformed to this world! ➡ Be conformed daily to the image of Jesus Christ as you reflect His light and love to