Christ Church Bartlett

God Appointed Days



Session 31 — God’s Appointed Days [Revelation 14] — September 26, 2021 I. The Feast of Firstfruits reminds us to celebrate God’s daily provision and to give thanks in advance for the promise of the greater harvest to come. II. God has prepared a day of vengeance in His heart when He will gather the nations to Jerusalem for the last battle – creating a natural winepress in the land of Israel. III. The KING will return with a shout on the Feast of Trumpets, coming on the clouds with His holy angels, and the righteous will be reaped from the earth and gathered into God’s kingdom. IV. Jesus will sit down on His throne as High Priest and King to judge the wicked and to reward the righteous on the Day of Atonement. V. Once evil finally has been purged from the earth, the dwelling place of God again will be with man in Zion, as we enter 1,000 Years of Sabbath Rest and Tabernacle with God forevermore. Application — Trust God to do the appropriate thing at the opportune time! May we learn to synchronize our lives with