Inside Out W/ Turner And Seth

Episode 107: Nikki Glaspie



Nikki Glaspie kindly went out of her way so that Rob and Seth could conduct their first-ever interview at Stanwood Studios in the Kirkwood section of Atlanta. Nikki talks about her highest profile bands - Kamani, Punkadelic and (of course) Nth Power. She describes some of her lockdown experiences, talks about her somewhat hidden singing talent, shares some of her experiences with Col. Bruce Hampton, explains her attachment to basketball and the relaxed conversation traverses many other topics. Glaspie also talks about how she met Bruno Speight from the iconic Atlanta electro-funk S.O.S Band, and about some of the lesser-known funk music who inspired her, particularly an early 80s release from Robson Jorge & Lincoln Olivetti. Nikki also happily leaps into the wayback machine and shares some of her earliest drumming memories, offers memories on touring with Beyonce and walks us through why her time with Dumpstaphunk was so pivotal. The episode also features some Nth Power music