Naked on Cashmere

Love Her But Leave Her Wild (Original Version)



The boy ran quick as rain through grassy fields awake in dew in moon dipped steps a summers night through fireflies and sparkling stars a glass jar in hand little cloud breathes up to the open sky and there, so there at once, alone in that summer field, she flew a fairy shone bright as day and the stars once bright, dimmed back in crimson jealous of the way she shone she, the brightest bright he’d ever seen so bright she burned, for she loved him too and he took her gently in his hands and placed her in the jar his love Safe now within his coat — and back to the town he ran a thousand laughs caught in his throat everything he loved so finally his--- and with all the people’s eyes around he brought the jar out from his robes and held it high above his shining prize His love --but alas she was dim and though she tried she could not shine so brightly and his heart fell and the people turned away— “But I love her, he said more than anything I could ever love why can’t she shine for us?” and the old man in the cor