Major Crush

S5:EP1 BONUS: The Famous Sideways Quote



It's crazy how often we reference the movie Sideways in our interviews, but it really was a pivotal movie for wine varietals like Pinot Noir & Merlot. Every winemaker talks about it, but in our interview with Michael Muscardini of Muscardini Cellars, he brought up another part of this movie that is pretty meaningful. There is a monologue in the film where actress Virginia Masden (who played "Maya") sums up this poignant reality about wine and its ability to mark time. Just so you never feel left out, we had Lou share the quote with you in this short little bonus episode! But we also have a suggestion for you in this bonus - so listen in and then post your thoughts on our social media! We'd love to hear what YOU have to say! You can follow us @majorcrurshwinecast CONTACT US: If you have questions or comments for Meredith and Lou, and you're listening on the Anchor App, you can send them to us directly. If you're listening to this podcast on any other platform, and you want to reach out, you can email us at