Shardcast: The Brandon Sanderson Podcast

The Splintercast Reads Shadows of Self, Chapters 7-9



"I just need to give the God of the world a hug, okay? I'm just... I'm just gonna hug him. Anybody got a problem with that?" Another week, another Splintercast! In this week's episode, I flail over finding out more about our lovely villain for this book, squee over the reappearance of an original Mistborn trilogy character, and talk about the philosophical question of whether technological progression is inherently valuable. And of course, the most beautiful of fandom experiences: the sailing of a new ship.* I also happen to talk far too much about roleplaying and various campaigns. Oops. Sorry, not sorry. What, is anyone surprised at this point when I'm garbage? I didn’t think so. Once again, comments and responses are greatly appreciated as they are the lifeblood by which I am able to sustain my corporeal form on this plane of existence. Your written contributions to my continued reign of terror will be remembered in the days to come. *Editor's note: Not an actual boat. Nor is it an airship or spaceshi