Shardcast: The Brandon Sanderson Podcast

Keeping Up With The Kholins (Adolin and Renarin)



It's the last bit of our "short," "surface-level," and "one-episode" series on the Kholins. We're finishing up Dalinar's family unit, and we have to talk about Adolin and Renarin and their family dynamics! And, of course, how it evolves after Dalinar's visit to the Valley or not. Guest starring: Kaves Kholin. This is also our 50th episode! How crazy is that? This week we have Eric (Chaos), Alyx (FeatherWriter), Shannon (Grey), and Joshua (jofwu). Don't worry, we'll have plenty more character discussion as we move along. We really did a criminally shallow look at things, and there's plenty more to do still. Next week, though, we're onto the Legion release Words of Brandon, and they are pretty spicy. Shardcast is the premier podcast on Brandon's works, Stormlight Archive, Mistborn, and all of the cosmere, run by the mega-fans at 17th Shard. We strive for high-quality discussion and analysis and accuracy, but if we missed something, we're sure you'll comment below! For discussion, theories, games, and news,